Rent a virtual office in Belgrade, Novi Sad or Niš. Find out why a virtual office is a good solution for many companies

Virtual office – PO Box – Serbia

What is a virtual office and why someone would need one?

A virtual office in essence represents a service provided by the companies like IDEAL accounting that enables business owners to have a company business address and PO Box fully outsourced instead of renting a real office from the beginning.

Virtual office services also enable firms to create and maintain a presence in a desirable location (such as Belgrade, Novi Sad or Niš in Serbia) without the need to pay rent for an actual space or have a local administrative hub.

Or it is a solution for start up-s that would like to get their operational costs as low as possible.

Virtual office – PO Box – Serbia

How to get a virtual office in Serbia?

There are companies in Serbia that provide only virtual office services, the same way we do it.

On the other hand, if you are looking for a company that can help you with more than just virtual office (such as accounting and bookkeeping services, payroll services etc) then the accounting firm IDEAL Računovodstvo d.o.o can provide you with a full-service package that would include virtual office as well as accounting services.

If we are talking only about virtual office services then you can get help with:

  • a business address: this helps new businesses seem a little more prestigious and serious than they might otherwise be if they use for example their home address.
  • post office address: if you’re getting post office mail sent to an address where you are not present, this is not just a great service in those cases where you can get all the post scanned and emailed over to you so you can stay on top of your administration but it is also necessary to have someone received a letter from authorities so you VAT number does not get blocked.
  • phone answering and voicemail services: this just simply helps you manage your incoming calls and means that you don’t have to offer out your mobile, instead use a real landline number

How can I work in Belgrade but keep my costs down?

If you are looking to start a business in Belgrade, Serbia then you can consider having:

  • a virtual office rented instead of a real office
  • a virtual assistant
  • an accounting company that is 100% digitized

Virtual office – PO Box – Serbia

What services can clients expect when renting a virtual office?

Today, there are a number of services that you can get if you decide to transfer your office to a virtual space, and we will list some of them for you:

  • Registration and opening of the company headquarters at the office address during the company opening process
  • An employed person who can perform administrative tasks
  • An employed person who can perform secretarial services (answering calls, answering emails, complete business correspondence, scheduling meetings, forwarding mail…)
  • Bookkeeping
  • Legal services
  • Representation before business associates, partners and clients
  • Use of physical space, occasionally or permanently
  • Communication with state bodies and institutions
  • Digital and marketing services

Of course, the number and type of services can change depending on which virtual office you choose for your business.

Virtual office – PO Box – Serbia

Why is it important to have an address where someone will always receive mail?

When we talk about a virtual office, one of the most important advantages is that there will always be someone at the given address during working hours.

In practice, this means that, if you work from different locations or travel often and do not have staff who will be in the office 100% of the time, and you simply have to receive mail, unfortunately, in physical form, it is safest for you to at least register your mail address on a virtual address – regardless of whether you registered the company address at the same or at a different address (the address of the company and the address of the virtual post office may be different).

Also, it is often the case that if you register a company at the address of your apartment, practically when you go somewhere you have to display a notice that you are not there, that you are not working, etc.

In addition, one very important thing, if you are not able to receive mail from the Tax Administration, within 15 days, every decision is considered served – whether you receive it or not, if they send it.

And this is where one of the main problems arises, which is why many companies decide to rent a virtual office – the Tax Administration can take money from your account based on forced collection, without you knowing anything about it.

In the final outcome, it may also happen that the Tax Administration takes away your PIB, and the taking away of the PIB means that you do not respond to that address, that is, you do not respond to the Tax Administration.

What is very important for you to know is that when the Tax Administration takes away your PIB, the procedure for returning the PIB is very problematic, and in the meantime your company can do absolutely nothing, nor does it generate income.

Virtual office – PO Box – Serbia

What are the other benefits of a virtual office, besides having someone always present to pick up the mail?

  • You are not limited by location and can work from wherever you want and be sure that your mail will be received and forwarded to your mail
  • You do not need to be physically present at the address to receive mail
  • You don’t have to rent space and incur rental costs right from the start
  • The possibility for someone to sort everything for you, and you get everything completely online
  • You always have someone to receive mail from the Tax Administration (due to non-receipt and not being found at the address, it may happen that your PIB is taken away)
  • You can change your virtual office easily
  • You don’t think about operational investments in business premises

Some of the Virtual Office clients

Ideal Računovodstvo

At which locations does IDEAL accounting provide virtual office service?

Since the IDEAL accounting agency itself operates in 3 cities in Serbia, namely Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš, the virtual office service is also available to companies in the mentioned cities.

Rent a virtual office

Ready to start?

If you are ready to start a business in Serbia or Belgrade, just click on the button below, send us a message with your contact details and we shall get back to you in no more than 12 hours.